The Pennine GP Learning Group is proud to share information with GPs regarding FREE access to Statutory and Mandatory Training.
Statutory and Mandatory Training programmes aim to ensure that organisations, such as the NHS, are resourced with people who have the competence and experience to enable them to achieve their purpose and meet future needs. The training is of vital importance in order to protect the safety of staff, patients, visitors and the general public.
Statutory Training is that which is required by law e.g. Fire Safety and Moving and Handling.
Mandatory Training is concerned with minimising risk, providing assurance against policies and ensuring the organisation meets external standards and best practice guidance e.g. Safeguarding Children.
e-Learning for Healthcare is a Health Education England Programme that provides over 150 e-learning modules including Statutory and Mandatory Training. NHS GPs and Health Professionals can register for free access. Ideally, an NHS email address should be used to register.
Modules available under the “Statutory and Mandatory Training 2017” are listed below for your information:
Conflict Resolution Level 1 | Data Security Awareness Level 1 | Equality & Diversity and Human Rights Level 1 |
Fire Safety Level 1 | Health, Safety and Welfare Level 1 |
Infection Prevention & Control Level 1 and Level 2 | Preventing radicalisation Level 1 and Level 2 | Moving and Handling Level 1 and Level 2 |
Resuscitation Level 1 and Level 2 (Adults, Paediatric and Newborn) | Safeguarding Adults Level 1 and Level 2 | Safeguarding Children Level 1 and Level 2 |
Other modules which you may find useful include:
Safeguarding Children Level 3 – Maintaining and Updating Competence | Mental Capacity and Consent | Accessible Information Standard |
Complaints Handling | Disability Matters |
BLS/CPR Update
To help GPs in the area, especially Locums, complete the requirement for resuscitation training, the Pennine GP Learning Group has been hosting a BLS/CPR update provided by a certified trainer since March 2018. The training sessions have been held at The Learning and Development Centre, Calderdale Royal Hospital.
It is anticipated that BLS/CPR update training will continue to be hosted annually (in March) as per the requirements for GP appraisals.
Published date 15th August 2019.