Contraception Update 2 Meeting 1st February 2017

This meeting took place on 1st February 2017, and was the second opportunity to discuss and update each other on contraception, including the risks of using hormonal contraception, and reviewing contraception over 40s guideline. Dr Hussain presented the topic “A Review of VTE Risk And Hormonal Contraception”, followed by a review of the contraception over 40s guidelines.[…]

Bleeding with Hormonal Contraception Guidance 28th September 2016

This meeting took place on 28th September 2016, and was an opportunity to discuss and update each other on the various types of contraception now available, including different brands of medicine. Several members were absent from this meeting due to unforeseen circumstances, and have sent their apologies. Dr Hussain presented the topic “Contraceptive Pill Brands”,[…]

Contraception After Childbirth Meeting 28th September 2016

This meeting took place on 28th September 2016, and was an opportunity to discuss and update each other on the various types of contraception now available, including different brands of medicine. Several members were absent from this meeting due to unforeseen circumstances, and have sent their apologies. Dr Hussain presented the topic “Contraceptive Pill Brands”,[…]

Contraceptive Pill Brands Meeting 28th September 2016

This meeting took place on 28th September 2016, and was an opportunity to discuss and update each other on the various types of contraception now available, including different brands of medicine. Several members were absent from this meeting due to unforeseen circumstances, and have sent their apologies. Dr Hussain presented the topic “Contraceptive Pill Brands”,[…]

Fowler’s Syndrome Meeting 17th August 2016

This meeting took place on 17th August 2016, and was an opportunity to discuss various clinical conditions that other GPs may not have previously encountered. Several members were absent from this meeting due to unforeseen circumstances, and have sent their apologies. Dr Hussain presented the topic “Fowler’s Syndrome”, followed by a presentation by Dr Claire[…]

Management of COPD in Primary Care Meeting 17th August 2016

This meeting took place on 17th August 2016, and was an opportunity to discuss various clinical conditions that other GPs may not have previously encountered. Several members were absent from this meeting due to unforeseen circumstances, and have sent their apologies. Dr Hussain presented the topic “Fowler’s Syndrome”, followed by a presentation by Dr Claire[…]

Itching in Pregnancy Meeting 17th August 2016

This meeting took place on 17th August 2016, and was an opportunity to discuss various clinical conditions that other GPs may not have previously encountered. Several members were absent from this meeting due to unforeseen circumstances, and have sent their apologies. Dr Hussain presented the topic “Fowler’s Syndrome”, followed by a presentation by Dr Claire[…]

Spirometry Meeting 13th July 2016

This meeting took place on 13th July 2016, on Spirometry in primary care. Dr Hussain presented a PowerPoint summary on “Spirometry in primary care” and interpretation of spirometry parameters and traces. Subsequent to the meeting Dr Hussain added some further notes to clarify points which Dr Oore had raised in their discussion. This was to[…]