Various Topics Update Meeting 8th May 2018

This meeting took place on Tuesday 8th May 2018, and was a discussion about various topics. Dr Hussain shared some learning from several clinical updates. The group discussed how these learning points may impact their practice. There was no presentation during the meeting. Attached below are the meeting minutes: Pennine GP Learning Meeting Minutes 8th[…]

Non-Coeliac Gluten Sensitivity Meeting 10th April 2018

This meeting took place on Tuesday 10th April 2018, and focused on Non-coeliac Gluten Sensitivity. Dr Hussain did a presentation on the subject and discussed how this condition has been increasingly recognized by the medical profession recently. We learned that extra-intestinal features such as a foggy brain in patients with IBS symptoms could indicate a possible[…]

Autism Overview Meeting 29th November 2017

Dr Hussain discussed a case of a vulnerable adult that she had consulted with a diagnosis of Autism and Anorexia. The particulars of this case prompted her to review the topic of Autism and highlight how we as GPs could communicate better with those with Autism. She presented Autism: An Overview and shared some video[…]

Helminth Infections Meeting 18th October 2017

Dr Hussain presented Helminth Infections: A migrant health guide. This was a summary of updated Public Health England guidance regarding the topic. The main messages of the guidance were to consider the possibility of helminth infection in patients who have unexplained symptoms, especially gastrointestinal symptoms or persistent unexplained eosinophilia. Dr Holmes shared some reading she[…]

Vitamin D Deficiency in Children Meeting 10th May 2017

This meeting took place on 10th May 2017, and was an opportunity to discuss and update each other on various Paediatric topics. Dr Hussain focused on and presented “Primary Care Management of Vitamin D deficiency in children.” Dr Holmes reviewed updated weaning and allergy guidance and shared this information with the group. Attached below are the minutes of[…]

Emergency Contraception Meeting 12th April 2017

This meeting took place on 12th April 2017, and was an opportunity to discuss and update each other on emergency contraception. Dr Hussain presented a summary of the recently updated “FSRH Emergency Contraception Guidelines.” Dr Cole raised a discussion regarding a  recent documentary regarding obesity and public health and prejudice in the NHS. Attached below are the minutes of[…]