Various Topics Meeting 9th April 2019

This meeting took place on Tuesday 9th April 2019 and covered various topics. Some of the topics covered in this meeting were; insomnia, self-harm, rheumatoid arthritis and COPD Attached below are the meeting minutes: Please be aware that information in the field of medicine changes all the time, so we cannot guarantee the accuracy of[…]

HRT, Contraception Whilst Breastfeeding, Hypogonadism 21st November 2018

This meeting took place on Wednesday 21st November 2018, and was a discussion that focused mainly on hormones. Dr Hussain presented key messages from the updated NICE guidelines regarding HRT benefits and risks, prescribing ; specifically when to consider transdermal HRT and referral criteria. Dr Stansfield updated the group on guidelines regarding continuous combined pill[…]

Lyme Disease 16th October 2018

This meeting took place on Tuesday 16th October 2018, and was a discussion about NICE guidelines for Lyme Disease. Dr Hussain presented Lyme Disease: A summary of updated NICE guidance April 2018. The group discussed relevant cases they had seen and Dr Hussain updated the group regarding the outcome of the recent LMC meeting she had[…]

Challenges in Management of Obesity in Primary Care – Huddersfield Locum CPD Group

The Huddersfield Locum CPD Group held their first meeting in August where they discussed the challenges of managing obesity. Dr Solomon has shared the presentation to benefit the wider GP community, which is attached below: Challenges in management of obesity in primary care presentation The group plan to continue their meetings on the last Thursday[…]