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Autism Overview Meeting 29th November 2017

Dr Hussain discussed a case of a vulnerable adult that she had consulted with a diagnosis of Autism and Anorexia. The particulars of this case prompted her to review the topic of Autism and highlight how we as GPs could communicate better with those with Autism.

She presented Autism: An Overview and shared some video clips produced by The National Autistic Society which provided insight into how people with Autism experience the world. The clips allowed us to understand and appreciate why patients may react the way they do to certain stimuli.

Attached below are the minutes of the meeting and the presentation that went with it:

Autism An Overview Presentation

PennineGPlearning Meeting Minutes 29th Nov 2017

Please be aware that information in the field of medicine changes all the time, so we cannot guarantee the accuracy of this data when you read it, it is here for General Practitioners to learn.

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